Sunday 26 October 2014

: Difference between a regular scarf and a keffiyeh (origins, size, fabric, uses, etc)

People often become confused of the fact that there is a big difference between regular scarf and keffiyeh. Regular scarf come in different shapes and sizes and in the same way keffiyeh is also different from regular scarf because of different factors that we are going to discuss below:
Difference between regular scarf and keffiyeh
 Regular scarf: Sometimes a regular scarf come with specified or one color along with different fabric. One thing that differentiate regular scarf from keffiyeh is the wearing style, a regular scarf can be ware around the neck or in similar way. The most important thing that differentiate regular scarf from keffiyeh is the color selection, regular scarf have colors that are less aggressive and are mixed proportions with different lining and styles. A regular scarf also come in different shapes for both women and man, mostly women scarf are larger in size and for mans there are smaller size that can be worn around the neck.
·         Keffiyeh: A keffiyeh is extension of regular scarfs; the most important part of the keffiyeh is the larger size and colors. Keffiyeh is mostly made by woven cotton cloth that makes it more vibrant and beautiful. A regular size keffiyeh can be from half a meter to one meter in length. There are many uses of keffiyeh; you can use it for dust protection, sun protection, Arabic style wearing, towel and many more.

These were some of the differences between keffiyeh and regular scarf. The origin of keffiyeh is from Arab countries because these countries have more heat problem and people use keffiyeh as a mean to protect from the sun. On the other hand, regular scarf is used for the purpose of fashion around the world, but in some Muslim countries regular scarf is a mean to cover the face as a religious practice. 

There are hundreds of uses of both types of clothing and people who like wearing scarf can easily use them for different purposes. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between a regular scarf and a keffiyeh, the most common difference between keffiyeh and regular scarf is the color pattern that both follow and also both of the materials have different set of wearing routine. If you wear keffiyeh in a regular manner then no one can tell whether it is a keffiyeh or regular scarf, keffiyeh wearing is more specific and need to be followed. Keffiyeh need to be covered from the head and leaving some part backward to give more Arabic look to the face but regular scarf can be worn directly without having a specified wearing rule. 
These were the evaluation of difference between regular scarf and keffiyeh; both of the scarfs are most used around the world. Both type of scarf are equally praised and liked by different type of community and if you are looking to purchase one then make sure you know the difference so that you can buy the right thing.

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